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7 October 2024

A trip to Dublin with the student association

A trip to Dublin with the student association

Because we want to provide you with plenty of savings inspiration, we will spotlight a saver each month to discover together why and for what people actually save. Whether it's about building an emergency fund, saving for a dream holiday, or fulfilling a long-held wish, each story is unique and inspiring! 

By gaining insight into the motives and strategies of different savers, we hope to help you achieve your own financial goals and come up with new ideas. Let yourself be inspired by the diverse stories of people like you and me, who understand the value of saving and want to share their experiences.

Today, Marnix shares about saving with his student association for a trip to Dublin!


Let’s introduce, Marnix, who are you? 

I am Marnix, 21 years old, and I live in Scheveningen. I am a third-year student and very active in student life, where I have a great time! 

What did you save for?

Together with the Senate of The Hague Student Association, the oldest student association in The Hague, we saved for a trip to Dublin. It was a delightful five-day trip to a unique destination. We saved via the app Potje for the expenses during our stay.

How did this savings goal come about? 

We all wanted a holiday that wouldn't be too hot but would still be active and fun, with plenty of opportunities to enjoy a drink. We quickly thought of Dublin. Moreover, none of us had been there before, which made it even more special! 

What savings agreements did you make to achieve this goal?

We calculated how much we needed per day for our budget. We had a few months before we would leave, so we saved this amount in monthly steps. Everyone knew exactly what they had to contribute.

How did it go to save together? Were there challenges?

The saving actually went very smoothly. I had paid three months in advance via Potje, which is also an option. Then you’re done with it right away! Others just saved per month. There was one person who was a bit late with payment, but the group pressure ensured that it was resolved quickly. Without having to chase anyone, it got sorted out fast.

Do you use any apps to save or manage your finances?

Yes, we have managed all shared costs via Potje. We kept track of small expenses using the app Splitser, and we settled that afterwards.

Do you have a saving tip for our readers?

Potje is ideal for holidays. My friends are not the best savers, but this way you really ensure commitment to the goal. By saving together, you maintain control over the holiday and ensure that everyone gets the necessary money together so that the trip definitely goes ahead.

Have you created a new Potje yet? If yes, for what?

Absolutely! We have already created a new Potje for next year's holiday. This time not with the Senate, but with other friends. We haven't decided where we are going yet, but most likely to a sunny destination. I’m already looking forward to it! 

Thank you, Marnix, for your enthusiasm! And how fantastic to see that Potje helps you realize your saving dreams! 

Do you also want to appear in this column and inspire others to save? 

Then send an email to info@potje.tech and we will see you here! 

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