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23 September 2024

A wish list for your birthday? Use Potje!

A wish list for your birthday? Use Potje!

Another year older?! That needs to be celebrated!
But the question: “What do you want for your birthday?” remains a headache for many... Whether you love surprises or prefer to take charge, a wishlist for your birthday can be the perfect tool to communicate your wishes to friends and family. 

But how can you make that wishlist just a bit more fun and easier to approach? The answer lies in combining a wishlist with Potje. With Potje, you can save for big wishes, like a trip to Japan, a car, that yoga retreat you want to go to, or a trip to Southeast Asia! How? Read on quickly! 

Why should you create a wishlist for your birthday?

Creating a wishlist for your birthday offers numerous benefits. It gives your friends and family a clear direction, ensuring you don't receive gifts or gift cards that you may not want at all. A gift card from Hornbach? What are you supposed to do with that? Year after year, billions of gifts end up in the trash, in a box in the attic, or are forgotten. You can also avoid receiving duplicate gifts. And if you’re not exactly sure what you want to ask for your birthday or if you’d rather receive money to save for something big, a wishlist can come in handy! 

Saving with Potje: The alternative to just asking for cash

It can sometimes feel a bit impersonal to ask for money, but with Potje, you give your guests a much more enjoyable option!

Suppose you're saving for a scooter, and instead of simply asking for money, you can invite everyone via Potje to contribute to your savings goal. The nice thing is that people can contribute without needing to download the application, making it much more accessible. They can also choose to keep their contribution hidden from others, so the focus is really on the goal rather than who has given what. For you, the amount is always visible, of course. By the way, you, as the owner of the pot, can also set it so that all contributions are hidden anyway. Those who donate to your Potje will also be satisfied because they have truly contributed to realizing one of your dreams; how cool is that! 

Moreover, it saves them from the headache of having to think of a gift for you that really matters. You have done the work for them! Want to get inspired for saving? You can do that here! 

This is how you create a gift list with Potje!

  1. Determine your savings goal(s): What is the big gift you want to give yourself?
    Whether it’s a car, a new laptop, or an unforgettable holiday, it all starts with determining your ultimate birthday wish. There can also be several, of course! We recommend making a gift list if that’s the case, after all, it's your birthday every year!

  2. Create a Potje: In the Potje app, you can easily create a new savings pot. Give your pot a name, optionally add a description, and set the target amount. This will be your gift list!

  3. Share your Potje: Once created, you can easily share your Potje with friends and family. This can be done via WhatsApp, email, or social media. Your guests don’t need to download anything and can contribute right away. That's convenient!

  4. Process the contributions: The fun part about Potje is that you can see how your savings pot grows. Your guests can contribute anonymously, and you can easily keep track of how much you’ve saved using the app.

By saving with Potje for your birthday, everything becomes not only easier but also more fun and personal. Instead of receiving multiple envelopes of cash, you now receive a concrete amount that contributes to achieving your goal or dream. This also makes it clear to your guests what they are contributing to and gives them the feeling that you are truly doing something beautiful with their contributions. It makes collecting contributions simple and transparent, ensuring your birthday gifts genuinely contribute to what you really want. 

Add a touch of creativity to your wishlist and make your birthday unforgettable! 

Long live the birthday wishlist with Potje! 



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