Privacy Statement


Company: Potje Technologie B.V. registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 84112905

Trade Name: Potje

Address: Jupiterkade 7, 2516 BS The Hague




Personal Data We Process  

Potje Technologie B.V. processes your personal data because you use our services and/or because you provide this data to us.

Below is an overview of the personal data we process:


– First and last name  

– Gender  

– Telephone number  

– Email address  

– Profile picture  

– Bank account number for recipients of a transaction  

– Internet browser, IP address, and device type  

– Information about your activities on our website, provided you have enabled cookies  

– Information about your activities on our app  

– Information about how you accessed our website and app, measured via Google Analytics and Firebase  

– Other personal data that you actively provide, for example, by creating a profile on this website, in correspondence, and by phone


Purposes and Legal Basis

Potje Technologie B.V. processes your personal data for the following purposes and on the following legal basis:


– Purpose: Handling your payment. Legal Basis: Consent and Agreement.  

– Purpose: Sending our newsletter and/or advertising brochure. Legal Basis: Consent.  

– Purpose: To be able to call or email you if necessary to carry out our services. Legal Basis: Consent.  

– Purpose: To inform you about changes to our services and products. Legal Basis: Consent.  

– Purpose: To offer you the possibility to create an account. Legal Basis: Agreement and Consent.  

– Purpose: Potje Technologie B.V. analyses your behaviour on the website and in the app to improve the website and tailor the offer of products and services to your preferences. Legal Basis: Consent.


Hyperlinks to Third-Party Websites

Potje Technologie B.V. may contain hyperlinks to third-party websites and services. If you click on such a link, you will leave the Potje service and go to a third-party website. Potje Technologie B.V. has no knowledge of or control over the services and/or websites of third parties to which these hyperlinks refer. The use of your personal data by those third parties is not covered by the Potje Technologie B.V. privacy statement. Potje Technologie B.V. is not liable for third-party services and/or websites.


Transfer of Business  

Potje Technologie B.V. may transfer its business or the Potje service to a third party. In that case, your personal data will also be transferred. We will always inform you of this in advance. If you do not wish to continue using Potje after this, you can delete your account.



Potje Technologie B.V. takes appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data against loss or unlawful processing. For instance, all traffic is sent over a secure connection (SSL), and passwords are stored encrypted.


Access and Correction 

You can view and modify your account details in your account. If you would like an overview of all your personal data processed by Potje, you can request this via


If you wish for Potje Technologie B.V. to delete your data, you can delete your account. You must first leave all the pots. Once you are no longer part of any pot, you can visit your profile via the menu structure to permanently delete your account.


When your account is deleted, your personal data will also be deleted, except for data included in PDF files of settled payments. These cannot be deleted because other participants would then no longer have access to the settlement. Personal data may also be retained after your account is deleted if this is necessary for the completion of the service or if there is a legal obligation to retain the data. Apart from PDFs, we cannot delete transaction data as long as a pot is active.


Retention Periods

Personal data is not kept longer than necessary for the purpose for which it was collected or processed.


Sharing Personal Data with Third Parties  

Potje Technologie B.V. shares your personal data with various third parties if this is necessary to execute the agreement and to comply with any legal obligation. With companies that process your data on our behalf, we enter into a data processing agreement to ensure the same level of security and confidentiality of your data. Potje Technologie B.V. remains responsible for these processing operations. Additionally, Potje Technologie B.V. provides your personal data to other third parties. We do this only with your explicit consent.


-Google Analytics (US).

-Mixpanel (US).  

-Firebase (US).  

-Online Payment Platform (NL). Used to process payment transactions. We send the user ID of the recipient of the funds.


We are legally required to retain certain data and provide it to other organisations. This applies, for example, to any transaction data for accounting purposes and for the tax authorities. We may also be required to provide data to authorities under a court order or judgment, or in the case of (suspected) fraud or theft. Such information includes your IP address, email address, bank account number, and the amount you have transferred or received via our App.



If you are under 16 years old, you need permission from your parents or legal guardian to use Potje. By creating an account, you declare that you are 16 years or older, or that you have the permission of your parents or legal guardian.


Changes to Privacy Statement

This privacy statement may be changed, for example, if new functionalities are added to the service. Changes will be announced via the Potje service or by means of a message to users.



If you have any questions about the use of your personal data, you can contact us via